A common interest for our Group and our employees:
we train our employees to enable us to evolve, and our employees train themselves to develop their careers.


The OXYMETAL Group offers a wide range of career opportunities. 
Training, mobility, change of profession: each employee can dynamically build his or her own career path.

In a sector that is constantly evolving, both economically and technologically, it is essential to have skills that are regularly updated, in order to offer products and solutions of excellence. That's why we created our OXYMETAL EXCELLENCE training center. And since 2021, Oxymetal Excellence has been Qualiopi certified!

Qualiopi attests to the quality of the process implemented by our teams, and enables us to pursue our training courses with the support of our public funding bodies.

The value of this approach lies in our "hands-on" approach to training, and in our flexibility in terms of organization to meet the production and logistical constraints of our sites.

OXYMETAL EXCELLENCE provides training in laser cutting, flamecutting, bending and support functions. These courses are only available to Group employees.

What's more, some of our expert employees can become occasional trainers in the fields of maintenance, IT, safety, risk and accident prevention. 

Aimed at all our employees, OXYMETAL EXCELLENCE is designed to support the Group's development and transformation. The training provided has a triple objective:

  • Strengthen employee skills. Job-specific skills are focused on the areas in which the Group needs to remain competitive.
  • Develop talent in the businesses the Group needs for its growth. 
  • Help managers lead the change needed to prevent risks and accidents, and reinforce the Group's social responsibility.

The list of training courses provided by OXYMETAL EXCELLENCE is available on OXYMETAl's internal document network.


"Because the excellence of our quality and service depends on the excellence of our people."


At the forefront of technological advances, since the early 90s the OXYMETAL Group has focused its development on laser cutting, combining power, precision and productivity.

To find out more


The OXYMETAL Group offers a complete range of test weights and CACES® weights, marketed under the OSC® brand.

Our test weights enable you to carry out all the mandatory periodic checks on lifting and handling equipment required by the VGP (Vérifications Générales Périodiques) regulations. 




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