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Patented products "Made by OXYMETAL" and marketed under the OSC® brand comply with the EN-1726-1 european standard relating to forklift verification.
Our rolled steel weights offer high strength and a tonger life cycle than those made of cast iron concrete or water.
Fully modular, our VGP OSC® standard steel weights sets enable the safe testing of all lifting and handling equipment: fork-lift trucks, cranes, overhead travelling cranes, aerial platforms, lifting tables, freight elevators, truck tailgates...
The modularity of our weights sets is based on the stacking and nesting of the various control weights, which can be handled using a forklift truck or the OSC® handling key suspended from the hook of a crane, hoist...
A space between each control weight is provided for the forks of forklift.
The OSC® lifting key secures all the control weights together to form a compact, homogeneous and secure unit, eliminating any risk of dropping or scattering.
The color-coding of standard VGP OSC® test weights, according to their weight, ensures a quick selection of batches for each type of test.
Our standard VGP OSC® test weights from 5 kg to 5T are sold individually or in sets.
Dimensions in mm: around 1200 x 980
Our 2-in-1 OSC® baskets are equally designed for both static and dynamic control of all types of nacelles, elevators and jib cranes.
2 types of handling possible:
by 4-strand sling: bridge, jib crane...
by fork-lift truck:
one fork 352 mm wide
two forks with a length of 796 mm
Our system also makes it possible to add or remove weights on a set of weights, eliminating human handling and putting an end to musculo-articular accidents.
Empty basket weight: 30 kg. Each 2-in-1 OSC® basket can hold up to 13 weights: 10 of 20 kg + 1 of 10 kg + 2 of 5 kg, for a total CMU of 250 kg.
The OXYMETAL Group has also developed a range of accessories adapted to its VGP OSC® weights.
Protective tarpaulin: 3 standard sizes (dimensions in mm)
For VGP weights:
980 x 1205 x ht 1600
980 x 1205 x ht 800
For 2-in-1 baskets:
800 x 390 x ht 385
Anti-puncture footings: for safe storage of your VGP weights and weight sets.